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  • Writer's pictureKelbe Douglass

Is the world ending?

That seems like such a crazy question doesn’t it?

But any media source you watch or read, makes it sound possible right? Stores have empty shelves, restaurants, bars, businesses are closing left and right. Airlines are cancelling flights, some people are just plain stuck away from home. I honestly never thought I would live through something like this. And yet, it’s not the Coronavirus Or the falling market that concerns me. No it’s the reaction to the media, the crazed shoppers & doomsday prepper mentality that’s plaguing society that terrifies me. Why?

Because I’m a mom now. I have a life that looks to me for support. I have to make sure he has enough formula to handle a shortage at the stores. I have to make sure he has enough diapers. I have to make sure the certain wipes I use for him & his severe sensitive skin don’t run out.

I know I can survive on frozen meals if That’s all the shops have, but my little one needs the nutrients from his formula. A formula that was already hard to find, and now with this crisis, it’s becoming almost impossible. I watched a video on TikTok of a mom trying to find diapers for her child, and someone had come in and bought in bulk to where nothing was left. Is that the way we want to be in times of crisis? Shouldn’t we think of each other? But that’s not the case. It honestly has never been the case. Man has always been greedy, selfish. A me first attitude if you will. And it frankly sickens me. I don’t want my son growing up in a world like this, but he is. So I’m trying to teach him manners, how to be polite, think of others first. Granted he’s only 10 months, but we can start now. If your city/state tells you to stay home, stay home! Don’t go out just because you feel ok, where it may not be affecting my age group too terribly, it’s killing people in my parents. And I’m not ready to say goodbye to them. So do your part, wash your hands, don’t go out unless you still are required to go to work, or you need food. Don’t go on vacation because the tickets are cheap & so is the gas. Just stay put. This is far from over, so settle in, kiss your babies, and enjoy your time with them.


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