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  • Writer's pictureKelbe Douglass

Self Care

This is a phrase I have been hearing for quite a while now. My boss has recently asked me what I’m doing for myself. How am I taking care of me? My answer? I take the occasional 5 minute bath, moms can you relate?

It got me thinking though, my husband goes to the gym for an hour, and that is time JUST for him. I think it’s great, dads need breaks too. But what about moms? It’s not that I don’t trust my husband to be alone with our son, but when I’m in the bath and I hear him crying, I’m not relaxed. We need time too, we work all day either at an office or at home wrangling kids all day. We come home, make dinner, try to get quality time in with our child & spouse, we’re cleaning, we’re trying not to pass out. But what are we doing for our mental health?

I can honestly tell you, I’m doing nothing. As someone who suffered from depression & then postpartum depression & anxiety, this is a scary thing!

Everyone can say, oh just take an hour. When? When can I do that Karen? During my 9 hour day job? Or for stay at home moms, during their 9 hour day of feedings, diaper changes, play dates etc? During that time I get home and finally see my baby, and try to soak in all I can before bed? During cooking dinner, or meal prepping for the week? During cleaning up all the toys and the messes that were made? When I’m trying to catch up on the overwhelming amount of laundry? When do I take that hour?

But it’s oh so important, I see that. When I get so frustrated with how clingy Kal gets or how fussy he’s being. I realize if I maybe took a minute to myself, I wouldn’t be so easily frustrated. Not saying you won’t get frustrated, but maybe not as quickly. So this is my goal, to try and take a moment where I’m not a mom, I’m not a wife, I’m just me. If you have any tips or recommendations please let me know!


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